Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Morning Rush

My mornings are insane. Insane, I tell you. From the time I drag myself from my short slumber (see previous post The Battle) the time I slump in my office chair, I am going...going...going. Here's a typical morning for me:

  • 6:00 am - Hit the snooze button
  • 6:09 am - Hit the snooze button, again
  • 6:18 am - Hit the damn snooze button, again
  • 6:27 am - Yeah, hit the snooze button, again
  • 6:33 am - "I'm up, I'm up"...I roll out of bed and stumble to the bathroom.
  • 6:36 am - Finish brushing my teeth, start putting makeup on. "Good morning Violet." Marcus has brought me a cup of hero! "Violet, whisper so you don't wake Hazel."
  • 6:43 am - In high gear now, I finish putting my makeup on. "Good morning Calvin!" I scurry to my bedroom to find some clothes to wear. All of our clean, laundry is scattered throughout the house in baskets mounded high. I start digging in the one in our room, supposedly with my clothes, looking for a pair of underwear. I may as well be looking for a needle in a haystack.
  • 6:48 am - Finally found all my clothes and I'm dressed..."Come on Calvin...Let's spike your hair!" "Violet, you've got those buttons mismatched...please Vi, don't fight me on this, let's get them matched up."
  • 6:49 am - "Come on Calvin!" "Come here Violet! Now!" "Its time to eat breakfast" What is with everyone moving sooooo slow! Am I the only one going warp speed!
  • 6:52 am - Calvin's hair is spiked and Violet looks lovely. They slowly make their way downstairs where Marcus has breakfast waiting for them. I put on my jewelry and frantically walk quiet as possible, so as not to wake Hazy.
  • 6:56 am - I have my breast pump set up and I'm ready to start. Standing in the middle of the kitchen, I start pumping. This is probably the most frustrating time. It's like I'm a horse in the gates, thinking of everything left to do before we walk out the door, but I'm tethered to this damn to do none of it. Marcus tries to help. "Bets, what do you want me to put in your lunch." Ugh. I don't know what to tell him. I just want him to make it...I don't even care. Why is he moving so damn slow!
  • 7:00 am - Still pumping. "Calvin, drink your milk." "Marcus, I don't know...just put some bread and a piece of cheese in there." "Do we have Violet's library book in her bag?...Are the kids lunches ready?" Usually, if the kids don't have hot lunch (what a blessed invention!) we make the lunch for the kids the night before. Why we don't make mine at the same time, I don't know.
  • 7:05 am - All finished pumping, but now I have to wash all the pumping stuff. "Violet, Calvin...go get your teeth brushed and get your shoes on." "Get yourselves washed up...hands, face, chin, and cheeks." Marcus makes sure the kids bags are packed for the day while I finish washing things up...and add a few more things to my lunch. I grab a piece of bread for breakfast and pour coffee in my travel mug.
  • 7:20 am - "Let's go...let's go!" "Violet, you need pants on under your jumper or you'll freeze." I pack my bag, now - pump, pump accessories, bottles, freezer pack, planner, purse, work I didn't get done last night, and lunch." I grab my coffee and bag and start packing the, bags...make sure they are buckled and we pull out. We are 5 minutes late.
  • 7:40 am - We arrive at school, and everyone jumps out of the car. Our time in the car is rather special for me and the kids...I love chatting with them about their day ahead, singing songs, and being just us for a few minutes. Calvin and I walk Violet to the stairs and watch her walk down to join the rest of the kids. Calvin blows her a kiss goodbye. Violet pauses a couple trips during her descent to turn and wave at us. My kids are so sweet! "Hold the rail, Violet...OK, Calvin, let's go."
  • 7:45 am - Calvin and I walk into his classroom at the school. We hang his coat and bag, and move his name tag from its pocket to the basket to show that he's here. "Oh, didn't wash up very well...yuck..." We get over to the sink and I wash his face, hands and the toothpaste off his shirt. Did he really leave the house looking like this?! Am I one of those moms that lets her child leave the home looking like this?! Apparently so...
  • 7:53 am: I start my goodbye ritual with Cal...5 kisses on each hand and several waves at the door, until he tells me, "OK, mommy...go." It started out as 1 kiss on one hand, so he could have it later when he was feeling like he missed me, but apparently ther's inflation on "missing you kisses" in preschool.
  • 7:55 am: I'm in the car and driving to work. I'm gonna be late. I call Marcus on the way to tell him how the drop off went.
  • 8:10 am: I arrive at work, after the short car trip and the hurried 3 block walk from my parkng lot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Bets!

I have never read a blog before (did I just admit my anti-modern-social-networking-outlets attitude?). But this had me smiling and actually feeling your frustration and fun! Keep it up, I'll keep following the antics. You, Marcus and the kids are an inspiration :-)

Sher x