Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Then and Now

Yesterday was Violet's birthday...my lovely Violet turned 6 years old. I can hardly believe that my baby is such a grown up girl. And what a little lady she is...so serious, so smart, so thoughtful. Her curiousity and drive are insatiable. I am truly blessed to be her mother.

Motherhood is really everything that everyone ever told me it would be, but the experience of it is a novel journey all my own. It challenges my mind, my patience, and my spirit, yet is the most rewarding role I play. I am guiding and shaping people...people! I work hard at it...very hard. And even though I'm becoming a pro (6 years experience y'know), I question myself and always identify areas in need of improvement.

Violet, being my first child, has taught me so much. I hope that I can be a good example and inspiration for her. I hope that I can instill in her confidence and entitlement for all things beautiful and rewarding in this world. I want her to have professional success...and I want her to build strong relationships...I want her to know true love.

I see in Violet so much potential...the woman I know she will be...a woman that people will want to know, be near, learn from, and share with. She is exquisite. Whenever I hear the KT Tunstall song "Suddenly I See", I think of Violet. I know...this song really isn't about a mother's recognition and love of her daughter...but the words fit for me. Because of her, I see...I see the person I want to be and the purpose of it all. What an amazing thing that is.

Her face is a map of the world
Is a map of the world
You can see she's a beautiful girl
She's a beautiful girl
And everything around her is a silver pool of light
The people who surround her feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
She holds you captivated in her palm
Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see)
This is what I wanna be
Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see)
Why the hell it means so much to me

Then: Violet Eve, Hours Old

Now: Violet Eve, 6 Years Old

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