Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Red Shoes and Sugar Snap Peas

Lately, I've been really trying to focus on making myself a better concentrate on what I aspire to. Its been difficult, with a bunch of turmoil I've been dealing with at work and the constant mayhem that is life with my family. But, nonetheless, I am challenging myself to make the most of my moments and to consider ways to improve myself. Of course, I'm going to approach this my the most fun way possible. There's been enough craziness in my life the last 2 years with the completion of my degree...I need a bit of fun.

Some of the things I've attempted to work on are things I typically don't really like doing, but I always feel better after having done them. Namely, exercise. I really don't like it....let's face it, I'm a lazy person. But, after having exercised (tonight even), I always feel better. Our stimulus package went towards a Wii...the most fun way to exercise I can think of. So far, I'm having a ball and I'm feeling healthier. Even more fun is that my kiddos join me in the exercise! Look at me...setting a good example!

I've also tried to read more. I find that my friends are so well read...and I just don't fit in with their conversations. I've never really read for fun. I read a lot for work and sinking into a good book doesn't sound nearly as fun as sinking into a good soap opera. Despite this, I will attempt to read a couple books over the next 12 months. I know...this seems like I'm setting the bar kind of low...but for me, 2 books would be quite an accomplishment. I thought I would go for subject matter I like...softcore porn or heroic love stories. Its not War and Peace...but its a start.

One of the major things I'm considering is a job change. I mentioned the turmoil earlier...I won't go into details. But I do aspire to do more with my career...and I think academia is the place for me. I would really regret not ever trying to make it in that environment. I'm scared, though. I know I'm a good epidemiologist...but am I good enough? I'm usually a pretty confident person, but contemplating this has me questioning everything. I just keep telling myself that my anxiety is expected and normal...and I need to push through it...and that of course, I can do it. I just keep telling myself...

I've been purchasing accessories. Along with my laziness, I'm kind of cheap. I deny myself simple pleasures all the time...I guess I'm still in grad school mode. A lot of my friends have the trendiest things...and I always admire them. I want stuff like that....funky jewelry, fashion handbags, great shoes. These things aren't needs....but I want them. So, I have a growing collection. I sure hope I have good enough taste to pull this off. Either way, I seem to be happier when I trot them out for a trip to the grocery store.

I'm going green! I know its the trendy thing to do these days...maybe that's part of its appeal. Resulting from the aforementioned cheap and lazy behavior, I've never been one to recycle or conserve. I wasn't blatantly wasteful...but I certainly needed improvement. Anyway, recycle now, reduce my energy consumption, support my husband's composting activities, carry reusable bags into stores, and overall attempt to reduce my carbon footprint. (my favorite phrase!) Amazingly, its a lot like exercise...its a pain in the ass to do, but I feel better with each green thing I take on.

There are other things...maybe I'll reflect on those some other time.

Oh...the shoes and sugar snap peas. These are just a couple things I've discovered that make me happy. Simple, small things in my day that change my perspective on the world...I'm really starting to see these more and more...and I treasure them.

1 comment:

I-96 said...

I am delighted you are taking this time for your SELF! You are a phenomenal wife, mom, daughter and friend ...Red shoes and sugar snap peas will bring balance to all you do.

A career in academe sounds perfect for you. You've been a great teacher as long as I have known you...hmmm....1976 was it??? I am in awe of all you have accomplished and very proud to be your mom! THree cheers for YOU, Betsy Anne!