Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Time to Ink

I've simply got too much going on right now...too many demands on my time...including all the ones I have imposed on myself. Then there is this nagging feeling that I don't get enough time with my babies. A working mother's guilt compounded by the additional stresses of finishing my dissertation and teaching an online course. They are angels...and I am sad. Sad to be away from them...sad that when I'm with them, my mind is consumed with where I need to be next, what I need to do. There isn't much I can do about I won't whine about it here.

This brings me to my decision. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a tattoo. Yup, a tattoo! I'm an avid viewer of Miami Ink - a cool reality show on TLC where you get to watch tattoo artists so beautifully depict a picture, thought, or tribute on their patron's bodies. I've always wanted one, but I was never sure what it should be...what would have enough meaning in my life that I would want to wear it on my skin indefinitely. I didn't want some trite homage to my Alma Mater or some childish whim - like my favorite smurf. I want it to be something special...something that whenever I look at it, I smile...reminded of something beautiful in my life. My family certainly fits now the quest to choose something to symbolize my family. I think I have it - a trillium.

A trillium is a marvelous wildflower with 3 petals and a 3 leaf structure. 3 being the operative word here. It will be no great surprise to those that know me that I want 1 more baby. I have two wonderful children, but still, someone is missing...a 3rd little voice...a 3rd loving heart. So, after we have a 3rd baby, I will get my tattoo...and my trillium will represent my 3 babies. This choice also has the added bonus of symbolizing the adventure and love that is my marriage. When we were dating, Marcus took me on a tour of wildflowers at his family home. His patience and love were so apparent to me...I knew that we would be together forever...that we would teach each other new things and experience the world together.

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind on this....a tattoo IS forever...and I want to be sure of my choice. Sometimes I wonder if I want to go for something that is quintessential tattoo - like a dragon or a tiger. My husband doesn't quite like those ideas, so we'll see. As for the location...I want it somewhere that can be seen, but not all the time....somewhere sexy. So, how about between my shoulder blades on my upper back? Yeah, that's it!

Ever since I made this decision, I've been so happy about it. I have a bit of time before I can get I have time to ponder my options and make the right choice of artist. It feels good to make a decision about something that won't really impact anyone but me...for a change.

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