Daddy-Daughter Dance
My husband had a date with a very special little lady. He escorted Violet to the Daddy-Daughter dance. She got dressed up in her favorite semi-casual knit dress adorned with buttons...and as I look back on the pictures from that night, it looks like it's a bit short on her. Marcus was excited when I told him he didn't have to wear a suit. The two of them posed for a couple of quick pictures before they headed out into the blustery February evening. I was excited to hear the reports of their very special date...I envisioned those adorable moments when Marcus would ask Violet to dance and maybe Marcus would even have her stand on his toes...or lift her up. I played out just about every Rockwell-type moment in my head. The reality was a bit less magical. Apparently, when they got there, Violet found some of her little friends and spent most of the evening running around and dancing with them. She ate an a plethora of candy and sweets. Sadly, Marcus only got to dance with her once...the rest of the time, he stood on the sidelines of the child frenzy... making conversation with the other dateless dads. They had a wonderful time, but I had wished for something a little more enchanting.
Marcus and Violet just before heading out to
the Daddy-Daugher dance.
The same week of the Daddy-Daughter Dad died. Every time I say or think that phrase, I have to repeat it to myself...its still hard to believe. He died. I had a very complicated relationship with my Dad...he had such a troubled past and struggled every day with the resulting demons...he never overcame them. He was a sentimental person, hanging on to the smallest treasures...a matchbook from a friends wedding...a Valentine I made him when I was old kelly green sweater vest that my mom had given him in the '70's to match his golf bag. He cared deeply about a great many things and people, but never really knew how to express it. He was incredibly smart...a business savvy person who understood the art of sales and the woes of management. Golfing was his passion and had been since he was a boy...and he was good at that, too. He was also a jerk a lot of the time...tormenting restaurant waiters and sales clerks...embarrassing me at basketball games...and creating angry scenes when things didn't go his way. There were dark times, which I think I remember the most...those times when he caused irreparable damage to the people closest to mom, sister, and I. Since I learned of his death, I've spent quiet moments sorting out the memories and my feelings for him. I know he loved me...I know he was proud of me. I think he knew I loved him...and how sad I was that he knew such sadness in his life and experienced such injustices...and how happy I was to share the big moments and decisions of my life with him. I hope that he understood why I was the way I was in our relationship...that past disappointments have shaped who I am and how I dealt with him. And, I hope he knew that I thought he was a loving Grandpa...and that I wish life had given him longer to know his grandchildren. Although I've put much of my reactions to his death into perspective, I know I'll be processing it for a long time...
My dad and I when I was about 1 1/2 years. He always loved to garden...
and here he's showing me the sunflowers.
Calvin 4.0
My little man is 4 years old...and we celebrated. On the night of his birthday, he picked the local hibachi restaurant (Ukai) for his special meal. . Marcus and I desperately love we are excited every year when he picks this restaurant...and wholeheartedly support it. Calvin loves to think about how the chef cooks the food, how he flips those egg shells into his hat, and how he flips the knife on his spatula. He is mesmerized. This time, though, he actually covered his eyes for the ceremonial flames at the beginning of the show. After dinner, we headed home (stuffed) and opened presents. Calvin loved his new Leapster, Bakugans, Hot Wheels racing set, and Geotrax dynamite mountain. Then we had our ice cream cake - one that he's had his heart set on for months...the cake batter cake with sprinkles from Cold Stone Creamery. Its not my favorite, but he really enjoyed every bite. Of course, we had a party with guests, too. We had three little people over to our house for a chef-themed party...with lots of cooking activities, including decorating chef hats, playing a food pyramid game, spice container bowling, and making a lasagna dinner to take home to their families. I've been told that I go overboard for birthday parties...but I can't imagine anything more fun that planning an over-the-top party for my babies. Plus, with the themes I choose, it gets my creative juices flowing. Everything from the chef pot invitations to the goodie bags chock full of kitchen gadgets and gummy's stress laden fun for me, beginning to end. Marcus generously gives in to my craziness on this...and every time vows that the next party will be at Chuck-e-Cheese. We'll see about that...
Calvin next to his birthday cake before his big chef-themed birthday party.
(His favorite colors are green and black.)
Lost and Found
There isn't much of a story here...just an announcement. Violet has lost her quintessential two front teeth. Just look at my little grown up, with no teeth. I get a bit squeamish looking at wiggly teeth and Violet had fun watching me squirm. Now that they're gone, I think she looks adorable. Of course, I promptly took pictures.
Violet sans her two front teeth.
My little Hazy has found two teeth...her bottom two. She is learning to use them with all her finger food, but thankfully, she's stopped biting when I nurse her. We've been celebrating her accomplishments left and right these days...why just last week she lumbered into Marc's lap to hear a story. And when Marcus got to the page with the puppy, Hazel leaned in to give it a kiss. Just yesterday, she clapped all by herself. We all cheered "Yay!" and, she, of course, did it again. And, she's showing the first signs of mobility, crouching on her hands and knees to lunge toward a toy she wants. What a darling...I love being a mom!
Hazel making an adorable squinched face during
playtime on the floor. Check out those teeth!